Friday, June 27, 2008

Stupid Sleep-Deprived Surveys

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Absolutely not. I will lie as often as possible and for no apparent reason.

Where were you last night?
Drinking with Mike, Arturo and Wiley in Moscow. Though really the bulk of the drinking occurred in my apartment with Mike. Oh where. Yeah. I suck at answering the actual question. I was on Tverskaya in Moscow near the Kremlin.

What is today's date?
June 28, 2008

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Oh jeez. Maybe Mike casually? Tia? Nick? Have you? Why not? Don't you like me? FINE. But you know what... I know that you'll be back boy. When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oOOoooOoh. I know that, you'll be right back, babe. Oooh! Baby, believe me it's only a matter of time. Of tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
Almost always when I can. When they let me. Sometimes though, while you are scanning your stuff, grim middle aged women with beady eyes come over and watch you. I cower under their hawk-like gazes, and get paranoid. So I mean sometimes I don't use the self checkout. It all depends on the proximity and abundance of weasel-like middle aged
women around. Look for the name tags and the cute 60's names that you've only heard of in sitcoms. Ellen -> be suspicious. Peggy-Sue -> run. Just run.

Anyone crushing on you?
Nobody with a smidgen of sense. Though I do think I seduced Dave Howard today when I was making the bed and flashed my underwear by accident. Then later I showed my belly button. That kind of double play is deadly. I'm sure he's writing love poetry in his live journal RIGHT NOW.

What is your relationship status?
Taken? I mean I stalk him and he likes touching my ass... what does that qualify us under?

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Tia just typed out the lyrics to the little mermaid. Wait I guess that doesn't count. Oh well, it doesn't matter, I get serenaded ALL the time bitches.Why just the other day I was sung a LOVELY ballad. About the need to announce to a father the exciting news that you have fallen in love with a pilot and your intention to pursue him. For he flies higher than the skies, and receives more than a thousand dollars for his work. For you love him. You do. There was also an encore about a cook, a doctor and a thief. My little brother is a charmer.

Has anyone ever given you roses?
Yes but I'm actually not a huge fan of roses. I prefer tulips. Though actually Mike once gave me these yellow tea cup roses with dark red edged petals and they were the most beautiful flowers. Flowers make me so happy.

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Well what wilderness. I mean I think I can survive the wilderness of Massachusetts, but if you stranded me in Alaska... that'd be a slightly different story. If I was abandoned in the Russian wilderness I'd die. So would you. No seriously. No matter how bad ass you think you are... you would die. Dude. Seriously. The mosquitoes out here are BRUTAL.

Who do you text the most?:
Carlos. It's not even a comp
etition really. I mean Zack I hit up pretty often... but not during his working hours. Tia is limited by school and activities. Carlos... nothing stops him. I mean he actually works a 9-5 job, and parties on the weekends, but never has anything stopped him from discussing the intricacies of Lil' Waynes appeal at any point in time. I hear he doesn't sleep. Too busy being gangsta.

First person to text you today?
No one texted me today. I'm in Moscow. Fuck Cyrillic bitchez!

What is your favorite color?
Blue? Purple? Oooh a certain turquoise....

What color are your eyes?
Hazel? What color is that?

What is a compliment you receive often?
yur pretty. But it's really always from the same source so I don't know if that counts. "You are fun" I get a lot. With my moves... I'm not surprised. Oh! Lately I've gotten "You are light". Damn. People are pretty nice to me.

How tall are you?
Five feet Five inches. THOUGH I secretly have this theory that I am only 5'4. It changes every year. I don't know why. Maybe I can morph and don't know it. Or maybe when they measured me for my drivers license I had really bouncy hair. Pantene Pro-V DOES promise more volume. I believe it. If you can't trust Pantene... what can you trust?

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
Haha Dave Howard, after I told him I hated him in an IM an hour or so ago.

[07:46] absinthesucre: soooo i hate you
[07:46] daveisurfave: aw
[07:46] daveisurfave: i love you back

Do you like your parents?
As parents or as people? I like them as people...

Do you secretly like someone?:
I really don't think it's too secret. Glaringly obvious would be more accurate. Or perhaps embarrassingly apparent. I'm not really a subtle person, I don't know if you know.

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
I curse my father for giving me my nose... but other than that I don't think I look like either of them. What do you think?

How long does it take you to shower?
Less than 15 minutes usually.

Can you do splits?
Um. Shut up. I can BLOW YOUR MIND! Plus I hear that people who can do splits are actually possessed by evil demons. It's true. I read it on Wikipedia.

Are you flexible?
In certain ways. In certain non physical ways. Lately every time I attempt a cartwheel I end up pulling my thigh muscle. I'm old OK! I crochet and make creme brulee and you should be happy with that.

What did you do on New Years Eve?
I went to Conners and crocheted Slipper Socks. Yeah I know. I'm a wild woman. What can I say. I like to party.

Was your mom there?

Can you speak any other language than English?
Russian and a bit of French

What is the last letter of your middle name?
A. It's not a real middle name though Dmitreyvna. Oh fuck off.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
I haven't slept yet. I'm a vampire.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?:
Always when I'm driving, and pretty often when I'm not. Lately though I haven't been but that's because a lot of older Russian cars don't have seat belts. Also the drivers laugh at you when you pat down the seats and fruitlessly attempt to find a seat belt. Apparently its MY "American vanity! So spoiled you are!". Yeah. Um. OK. My mistake. Didn't know wanting to live was a vanity. No no it's cool. I'm just spoiled. By life. Idiots.

Are you scared of flying?
No I LOVE it. I wish I could fly. I wish I could have sex like eagles do because that sounds AWESOME. Though really that's more of a falling than a flying thing.

What do you sleep in?
Tanktops, nighties and underwear. Sometimes boxers and on special occasions.... real pajamas.

Who was the last person you kissed?

Do you like funny people or serious people?
I like funny people. I have a weakness for funny. Also sometimes being serious sucks.

What are you listening to?
Nothing. Though for some reason I have headphones on. Also just realized that I've had them on for the last three hours and I haven't listened to a goddamn thing. Why? I don't understand. Why did I put them in to begin with? WHat the hell?! I am such a fucking weird-o.

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
My Спаси и Сохрани ring.

What do you have planned for tonight?
I'm going to go hang out with Sasha before she leaves for Milan, and then I don't know. Maybe I'll head out to the country, maybe I'll party some more with Mike, maybe maybe maybe. Maybe I'll actually sleep. The world is full of possibilities.

Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Two years. How scandelandelous. What a cradle robber.

Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
In general I like underwear. Specifically, I guess I wear my black flats pretty often. How FASCINATING. Quick jot this down in your little notebook, this might be on the quiz.

Do you like messages or comments better?
Both. I like human contact and attention no matter what form it's in.

Last movie you saw in theaters?
Kung Fu Panda. Yeah. I'm hardcore. Don't mess with me.

Last thing you ate?
Crackers. The special fiber ones I'm addicted to that apparently affect your poop somehow. I can't tell you how I haven't noticed a difference but my mother is dying to lecture someone about it, so go ask her.

What was last thing you drank?
Water. Mixing red and white wine might not have been the best idea.

Are you happy right now?
Yeah. I mean not perfectly happy, but I definitely wouldn't classify myself under sad.

Who makes you happiest right now?
.... Nick. This is sort of mortifying. Can we stop now?

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching the Eurocup.

When is your birthday?
February Third

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
Yeah. I mean someday, that sounds nice.

If you were able to choose, would you prefer a baby boy or girl?
Oh baby boy definitely. I suck at braiding hair and honestly girls are so fucked in our society when it comes to sex, a healthy body image and millions of other things. I would not enjoy guiding a girl through that landmine. Also periods... they suck ok. I never want to be the bearer of such information! Oh baby, by the way, you are going to bleed once a month for several days and your tummy might hurt. Sorry. Fuck that. Boys I feel like get it easier.

Do you like Red Bull?

Would you ever be in a "Girls Gone Wild" tape?
Only maybe in the background, full clothed, pointing and gesturing for my guy friends to look at that girls titties. I do that a lot.

Where is the biggest scar on your body?
On my heart. EMO TEARZ! Haha nah, on my leg from burning myself on the tailpipe of Mikes motorcycle.

Are you trying to avoid something by filling surveys out?
Yup. Sleep. loneliness. Al that fun stuff.

Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Yeah. Sometimes. Maybe. I guess it depends on how exactly they fucked up their first chance.

When is the next time you will kiss someone?
Not till August 19th it looks like.

Did you have a good night?

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