Sunday, June 8, 2008


Do not get excited. This is the only shot of the inside of the Circus since cameras were strictly forbidden inside. If you were using a camera then a very irritated Russian lady would shine an annoying little red laser in your face till you stopped. I mean I didn't think it was that bad, but since they were repeating the warning about cameras in both English AND Russian my little brother was freaking out and hissing at me to "Stop it stop it stop it!!! STOP IT MASHHAAAAA!". OK. FINE. GOD. No one is going to fucking arrest me. Jeez.

I mean the show was pretty awesome to be honest. I don't know why Tia and I didn't go see it when we were here. The stage actually un-elevates. DESCENDS. Wow. There goes my English. Yeah it descends and then there are different stages, like there was an ice stage where the ice skaters and acrobats go on, as well as the seals. Then
there is this cage like thing for lions and then there is a swimming pool for the parrots. Well the parrots don't swim... actually I have no fucking clue why they had to have that pool thing because apart from a few not especially fantastic swimmers, nothing was in the pool. It was a cool effect and all but still. One of many things that caused me some confusion this evening. The other: why the hell would you pick a song whose lyrics are " I've noticed you around, I find you very attractive. Would you go to bed with me?" THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE. Jeeeeeez. The camels were pretty cool though. The seals were sassy. Over all good evening.

Though going on the little kid rides was embarrassing as fuck. Yeah sure George, the crazy bus DOES look really crazy. Then my mom comes back with two tickets.

MASHA! He can't go ALONE!?!?

Why?! Why the hell not? He's six years old!! I am twenty-one years old MOTHER! I am NOT going on a little kids ride!! The bus doesn't even look that crazy. I LIED!

He might jump out!


Fine. Fine. Go tell your brother that the reason he isn't going to go on the ride is because YOU are being selfish.

Goddammit. (I went)

It wasn't crazy either. It was super NOT crazy. Wicked sane. My little brother was screaming his head off though. Wow to be six again. He also at one point buried his head in my chest and was whimpering "Make it stop! Make it stop!". Make what stop? The slight rocking motion we are feeling? Good god my little man! Stop believing the hype. We aren't even upside down or anything. The he started farting and my Crazy Bus experience sucked even more. God.

The teacups were pretty fun because we could spin them ourselves, but then we had to deal with my mother yelling "MASHA! OH MY GOD! You are going to fall out! George is going to throw up! SPIN THE OTHER WAY!!". Screaming really. SO that was embarrassing. She riled up all the other moms too and they began screaming "Spin the other way!!" as well. Right. Great. Thanks for enhancing our teacup ride experience. Crazy Biddies. Somehow no one threw up or fell out. I don't know how that miracle happened. Since that ride was so EXTREME and all.

Here we are in the DANGEROUS and EXTREME teacup. Very few photographs exist since we were spinning SO FAST we became blurs. Then almost invisible to the naked eye. I think that's when we broke the sound barrier. Who knew teacups were so bad ass. I would think that would happen if we were riding in a whiskey bottle or something, but I never expected THIS.
I feel slightly embarrassed because I am obviously enjoying myself in this photo. Listen... they were a LITTLE extreme. Shut up. It was fun though. George sat in my lap the entire show, and continued with his inappropriate farting. I was a bit suspicious when my mom bought him a light up fan as a toy. Why not a glow stick? A flashing light saber? Then I found out. Nice George Nice. Stop giggling. And STOP doing it on my LAP!

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