Friday, June 6, 2008

I Walked 7 Miles Today

... And the day isn't over yet. In fact I have to go soon. I need to stop by and grab my uncles web camera and maybe eat a steak. Then I am meeting Arisha for Sushi tonight. Busy Busy Busy Busy.

I think I sprained my left ankle a bit. I was taking a photograph and walking, which is quite dangerous, really. I mean I think it's underrepresented in the things mothers tell you to watch out for, and be
careful in doing. I did not see that curb at all! Or more accurately, I did not see the END of the curb at all. Plus the streets were all cobblestoned and there were street artists, and many shoppers and people with monkeys and really it was quite hectic.

So I really don't think that woman that I fell on top of should have used SUCH strong language. Honestly. It's not like I meant to tackle you! A nice gentleman helped me up and I feel quite bad for looking at him so suspiciously and thinking that he was trying to steal my bag. Then when I realized he was just being polite I should have overcome my embarrassment and thanked him politely instead of blurting out how his tie is "the most handsome tie I have ever seen ever".

Maybe I shouldn't be let out in public. I hardly ever come off as smooth as I do in my day dreams. I am SO SO smooth and sexy in my daydreams. Like the female version of James Bond and I wear pretty dresses and heels and know tons and tons of important people. And have mad martial art skillz. I wish I wish I wish. Someday.

I decided to go wander around alone today. Not that I lack company, or hate people, but I just wanted to be alone. Well actually I would have loved to have been with Tia but the bitch wont come visit. Honestly, it just shows you how selfish she is. SO selfish. So I got off at this Metro station which is just one stop away from my house and it's about the river? canal? I don't know what this body of water is, and every time I either call it a river or a canal some Russian person scoffs at me. I told you I DIDN'T KNOW! The English translation of the stations name is Sparrow Hills .It's such a fucking pretty place and tons of people were rollerskating and biking around and I just walked the length of the river, enjoying it all.

I came upon these workers taking a fishing break. It was pretty sweet. I wanted to get a closer photograph, but the very fat shirtless one started cat calling and scared me away some what. I think this photograph shows where I get my work ethic from.

Here is the part where I show off my knowledge of Russia's history and landmarks... ummm this is an Alien ship that landed here many many years ago when Stalin was the ruler. Stalin was already dealing with a lot of shit, and he didn't want to have to handle the PR nightmare that would have been an Alien Invasion so he sent the alienz and all the people who saw the landing/alienz to Sibera. Then he constructed a ton of shit around it, put a fountain and some flowers in front of it, and called it a building. Several years later, a sassy black guy and a somber yet funny in his own way white guy will use it to save a small galaxy from a most certain death. U-S-A! U-S-A! oh wait wait. Shit. R-U-S-S-I-A! Eh doesn't have the same ring to it. Who needs a guide book? I'm your own personal tour guide baby!

This is what the view would look like if I was really really short. Or an ant. OR a small bird. Perhaps a swallow.

I'm going to break my photos up into several posts. That will be easier for me and I'll feel really proud of myself. SCORE!

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